WOW! The last several weeks have been a whirlwind, as is obvious since it's been over a month since I've blogged. We recently got back from a week's vacation in Washington D.C. It was such a wonderful place to visit. We had a great trip, b
ut was it exhausting with two kids! Luckily the people in DC were so very helpful and friendly to us. Above is Matthew, Claire and I in front of the White House.

Here's Matthew running up and down a grate as we waited to go up to the top of the Washington Monument. The Lincoln Memorial is in the background.

Here we are at a spring on the grounds of the Capitol.

Here's Claire posing in front of a mural at the zoo.

I finished my May
ATC well enough before the end of May but did not send it out until May 30
th. The theme for May was Reach for the Stars. I stitched darkening shades of blue fabric and then hand stitched gold stars with gold embroidery floss. Rather than bind it as I did last month, I stitched around the edge.

It's so very hard to believe that six years ago we were blessed when Matthew came into our lives. He is becoming more independent every day. He's almost perfected tying his shoes and he is reading fluently and is writing sentences on his own. He has always been very verbal and still to this day it amazes me his memory for things and his vocabulary. He's got this wonderful
smirky smile (
ses picture with me a few above) that has such as charm about it. Happy 6
th Birthday Matthew!

The art teacher at our school, who also was Matthew's teacher at his school, had her second baby right before school got out. I made this quilt for the baby.

I hand stitched the fish in the white squares with a variety of colors.

Here's a close up of the fish.

My sister-in-law had her birthday in June as well, so I sent off this fabric envelope with stitched fabric cards of coordinating fabric. I saw something like this on another blog and decided to make my own. It was easy and it turned out really cute. I'm going to make one for myself as well, and probably others for future gifts. Happy Birthday Carrie! We love you!!

We wanted to do something special for Matthew's kindergarten teacher, so Matthew drew a picture of her and then I
stitched it on linen with black embroidery floss and framed it. It turned out so great and she loved it.
Got lots to do. I haven't started my June ATC yet. And I have to finish a quilt for my friend's baby girl (born in March-yikes!). I'm almost done with my knitted tote- I just have to finish the handles.
While in D.C. I was able to go to Stitch DC, a knitting store. I only had about 15 minutes, but I bought two kits. One for a felted bracelet and one for three felted coin purses. I'd like to get started on those. Plus I got a cross stitch kit of Mount Vernon while we were there. I've already started that. For some reason I've been on a embroidery kick lately, so I'll go with that flow for a while. Lastly, I just got two books I had ordered today int he mail. I'll take a look and talk about those next time. Hopefully I'll be back in a habit of blogging every week or so now that things have slowed down. I start summer school on Monday so I'm off to enjoy my last days of no work.