Where do I even begin? It's been so long since I've blogged. It has been a busy year compounded by some health issues. I've recently found out I've got a gluten sensitivity and since I've been on a low gluten diet I've been feeling much better. I am hopeful that this is the solution and that I stay feeling good. My feeling unwell did prevent me from blogging, but I was determined to keep on with my projects, even if I only sewed or knitted on the weekends. I made this cupcake doll quilt for my daughter. I had bought the fabric to make a bag but never used it. I've been trying to use from my stash as much as possible.

I made this colored pencil holder for my neice's birthday. It's from Last
Minute Patchwork and Quilted Gifts by Joelle Hoverson. My niece celebrated her birthday in Chicago with breakfast at the American Girl store. Just Claire and I went- a "girls' weekend" and we had a wonderful time. The weather was crummy- rainy and windy- but our hotel was right downtown so we didn't have to walk very far. Plus, my mom stayed with Claire after she went to bed so my dad and I walked over to the bookstore. That was a treat in itself because it's rare I get to the bookstore without my kids. I love the bookstore, and even though I know I can buy a book cheaper online, I still love to buy books at the bookstore. It's part of the whole sesnory experience, and there's something wonderful about leaving with a book that I'm in love with. This time I bought
Weekend Sewing by Healther Ross.

I have finally finished the paper doll quilt for Claire. It turned out really cute! Love it!

And I made a bag for me. Perfect for summer- it's very roomy so I could fit a beach towel or two, sunscreen, waterbottle and other items for our summer outings.
And I finished the Turning Twenty Quilt for our bed. I did get quite a few UFOs finished over the fall and winter. That's always a great feeling. Of course I've got many others left begging to be completed