Sunday, April 22, 2007

Could It Be? Yes, It Is! SPRING!

Finally some wonderful weather here in Wisconsin! It was a great weekend of playing outside after a crummy week of being back to work. My husband and my brother went fishing so I took the kids to the zoo today. It was so crowded but we had a great time. It's great having a zoo pass and being only 10 minutes away because we can go there for a couple hours and we don't have to feel like we have to get our money's worth.

I finished the doll quilt for my niece's birthday. Another wonderful reminder of spring. I sewed on two flower buttons- so cute. I embroidered a ladybug...

and a butterfly...

and it turned out really cute. I made a pillow to go with it.
I also got some knitting done on my felted tote. I did most on my way to and from work- it's about an hour drive to drop off my daughter at daycare, my son at his school and then my husband and I drive to our school. The base is done and I'm ready to start the stripe pattern.

And yet another inspiration from spring... My son painted this at school, and I was so wonderfully shocked! His favorite color always seems to be black and most of his art work is done in ONE COLOR ONLY. We try to encourage him to use a variety of colors, but he has his own mindset. That is why this piece is so precious to me- the vivid colors plus the stripes and dots. I'm definitely going to frame it.

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